Finally, a Course Platform built for growing small businesses.

Mighty Underdogs Company is a 501(c)3 we depend on your contributions to help keep our channels open for all the entrepreneurs transitioning to a small business.    

Who do we serve?  
     1.  Small businesses under $3 million in revenue
     2.  Less than 10 employees  
     3.  In business between 3-7 years

With your support we can continue to provide the necessary education, tools, business hacks, and advice at a low cost - something they can afford.

Types of Sponsorships Available

Each of our courses are sponsored by a company to help advance the development of your supply chain.  They don't know what you know, or have the experience necessary to serve you best.  This training saves you time, training, and education of your suppliers.  Each company that completes your course will receive a Certificate of Completion.

You can sponsor a course or a workshop.

You can provide a scholarship of up to 50% of their tuition for one year of participation in our Mastermind Series. They meet 12x per year, every 30 days, to discuss business issues, stuck points, how to improve, how to provide better services to you, and how to hire and develop the right people.

We have partnered with Bullhorns & Bullseyes for their exciting Podcast production.  Co-host Curtis Hays of Collideascope and Tom Nixon of CreativeMill they explore a broad range of marketing and advertising strategies.  From the art of broadcasting compelling stories to targeting micro-specific target audiences using advanced digital marketing.  How to close the loop in marketing to client acquisition.

Each episode is 30 minutes, you can be the sole sponsor per episode.